The Edge Chronicles wiki
Rook Pushes Cowlquape

Just to have a nice picture on this page...

This is the test page on this wiki.

Why is it here?[]

  • Sometimes you want to try something without damaging any already existing articles[citation needed].
  • The category "Candidates for Deletion" has a problem when it is empty. This page should therefore not be deleted, but should stay in the category for deletion.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin id tortor a diam suscipit blandit. Integer commodo, neque nec imperdiet molestie, purus lectus finibus lacus, at tincidunt tortor diam at orci. Morbi id dapibus lorem, ac elementum augue. Maecenas hendrerit ligula ac felis vestibulum hendrerit. Aliquam sagittis urna dignissim lacus vehicula, in feugiat massa elementum. Vestibulum pulvinar, massa vel condimentum lacinia, lectus enim tempus est, ut consequat elit erat vel mauris.

Testing the template design[]

Testting the template design here

Ledmus Squinx[]

"Your behaviour, Rook, has been totally unacceptable. How dare you even think of reading the library treatises! They are not for the likes of you. You! A mere under-librarian!"

-Ledmus Squinx[1]

Ledmus Squinx was a Librarian under-professor from the Rook trilogy. Fat, short-tempered, overbearing, vain, and pompous, Ledmus Squinx enjoyed exercising his power, to the point where he sometimes got in trouble for overstepping or abusing his authority.


  1. Last of the Sky Pirates, Chapter 1: The Great Storm Chamber Library