The Edge Chronicles wiki

The Great Convocation of Banderbears as seen from above

The Great Convocation of Banderbears was the one time at which all the banderbears of the Deepwoods would congregate together. It secretly happened at the Valley of a Thousand Echoes. Normally banderbears were solitary because large groups attracted predators.

Rook witnessed the convocation by following Wumeru. He hung onto a branch and took notes in his treatise log. However, his hand slipped an the log fell out. Rook tried to grasp it but was caught when he fell off. As it was forbidden for non-banderbears to witness the congregation, Rook was in massive trouble. Most of the banderbears agreed to kill him. Fortunately, Wuralo begged for his life to be spared, and he was accepted as a friend of banderbears.

Known Attendees

Named Banderbears

Unnamed Banderbears

  • Banderbear from the Edgelands
  • Banderbear from the Ironwood Groves
  • Banderbear from the Lullabee Forests
  • Banderbear from the Mist-Canyons
  • Banderbear from the Nightwoods
  • Banderbear from the Swampwood Glades
  • Banderbear from the Thornwoods
  • Banderbear from the Twin Peaks

